Tomorrow, the best world cup and long-distance athletes will meet up for a promising battle on the island of Hitra, Norway!
The 54km Toppidtrettsveka – Hitra course will be the judge of the day.
Let’s take a look at the bibs holders:
After two victories each in the first two stages, Andrew Musgrave and Astrid Øyre Slind from Team Aker Dæhlie will take to the start line in yellow.
Andrew Musgrave and Astrid Oyre slind are also at the top of the best sprinter rankings. It is therefore their first runners-up present at the start who will wear the green jersey tomorrow in Hitra:
- Stian Hoelgaard – Team Aker Dæhlie
- Anikken Gjerde Alnes – Team Ragde Charge
After an impressive second place on BLINK CLASSICS, Thomas Joly from Team Naeringsbanken Stora Enso will wear the Youth bib.
On the women’s side, Hanna Lodin from Team Engcon showed a great constitency all over the two first stages and will be in pink on Toppidrettsveka – Hitra.
The Team ranking is led by Team Aker Dæhlie, followed by Team Ekjsöhus and Team Ragde Charge.
Find out were to watch the races HERE.
Picture: Nanco F.S. Hoogstad